Business on Twitter; Don’t Try It

If deals ARE, indeed, made on the golf course, it is probably on the 19th hole 😉  Pitching your business at a Rotary or Kiwanis meeting is clearly frowned upon, although your fraternity brother might be the first person you think of when you need his professional services.  Even at a Chamber of Commerce “After Hours” networking event, the most effective business strategy is to NOT pitch your business. Networking is about getting acquainted and making friends. The same is true on Twitter. Relationships first!

Do not use Twitter for business,” says Graham Jones, Internet Psychologist,  in a very insightful article on his blog. He writes:

The companies making money from Twitter are not using it as a business tool. Far from it; they are using it as a social tool…

…business has always been about relationships. You got more business from existing clients by socialising with them – having lunch, playing golf, going down the pub, even, perhaps, going to their daughter’s wedding…Instead of filling their minds with “buy this” messages, you sat down with them, chatted with them, asked them questions about themselves…Yet, despite not talking about business, you got more of it from these people.

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